
Showing posts from June, 2018

INNSpub | Blog site - Phytoremediation potential of Centella asiatica (gotu kola) in nickel ore-contaminated soils | JBES 2018

INNSpub | Blog site - Research Journal Publisher: Phytoremediation potential of Centella asiatica (g... : Map showing the operating nickel mining sites in Carrascal, Surigao del Sur, Philippines. Author Information Genelyn G. Madjos  from the Institute of the  Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City, Philippines Journal Name Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES Abstract Nickel miningposed a serious environmental problem due to run-offs and tailings. To address this, current techniques include excavation, chemical stabilization and soil flushing, but these methods are costly and impractical. One of the ecologically accepted treatments is phytoremediation. With the capacity of Centella asiatica (gotu kola) to thrive in moist soils with domestic effluents, this present study sought to evaluate its phytoremediation potential by employing an experimental design with three replicates of: (a

International Network for Natural Sciences - Research Journal Publisher: Population Structure and Threats to Sustainable Ma...

International Network for Natural Sciences - Research Journal Publisher: Population Structure and Threats to Sustainable Ma... : By: T.H. Dauda, S.O. Jimoh, I.O. Azeez This study was conducted to assess population structure and threat to the sustainable management of woody species in the various ago-ecosystems in Dutsin-Ma Local Government Area (LGA) Katsina State, Nigeria. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used to collect data from 21 randomly demarcated 100m × 100m sample plots. All woody plant species found in the sample plots with stem diameter >2 cm at 20cm above ground, were recorded. Population structure was summarized by diameter classes. For the identification of threats, field and questionnaire surveys were used. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed at ten questionnaires per ward in five out of the 11 wards in the LGA.