INNSpub | Blog site - Phytoremediation potential of Centella asiatica (gotu kola) in nickel ore-contaminated soils | JBES 2018

INNSpub | Blog site - Research Journal Publisher: Phytoremediation potential of Centella asiatica (g... : Map showing the operating nickel mining sites in Carrascal, Surigao del Sur, Philippines. Author Information Genelyn G. Madjos  from the Institute of the  Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City, Philippines Journal Name Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES Abstract Nickel miningposed a serious environmental problem due to run-offs and tailings. To address this, current techniques include excavation, chemical stabilization and soil flushing, but these methods are costly and impractical. One of the ecologically accepted treatments is phytoremediation. With the capacity of Centella asiatica (gotu kola) to thrive in moist soils with domestic effluents, this present study sought to evaluate its phytoremediation potential by employing an experimental design with three replicates of: (a

Concentration of heavy metals in the water and fish tissues of the river ravi, Pakistan - JBES

  • Abdul Rauf1*, Muhammad Javed1, Ghazala Jabeen2, Arshad Javid3, Syed Makhdoom Hussain
  1. Department of Zoology and Fisheries, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  2. Department of Zoology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
  3. Department of wild life, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
  4. Fish Nutrition Lab, Department of Zoology, wild life and Fisheries, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
The River Ravi has subject to severe disturbances due to contaminants discharge of untreated industrial wastes and domestic sewage.
This study was planned to assess the status of heavy metals Copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) and cobalt (Co) in water and indian major carp (Catla catla) collected from the sampling station, Baloki Headworks.
The results showed significant differences among six fish organs viz. Gills, kidney, liver, skin,muscle and scales. Accumulation of Cu in all the six fish organs showed significant difference. Fish liver was the organ that accumulated significantly higher quantities of these metals followed by that of kidney and scales. The magnitude of heavy metals in both river stretch and tributary waters were Cu > Cr > Cd > Co while in the fish tissue the elements decreased in the order Cu > Cr >Co> Cd.
The correlation coefficient between the metals toxicity of Catla catla body organs and water was positively significant. The result of this study indicated that the metals present in the river system were taken up by Catla catla through water, sediments and food, regardless of their biological needs, showed higher metal concentrations.
FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE AT: Volume 6, Number 2, February 2015 – JBES


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